The Intersticia Foundation is a Private Ancillary Fund registered in Australia

/ Where we started
The Intersticia Foundation is a separate legal entity from Intersticia Pty Ltd
Intersticia operates globally in partnership with Intersticia UK which initiates and supports our Fellowship and Leadership Development activities.

Intersticia Foundation Board

The Intersticia Foundation seeks out individuals and other like minded organisations to help humanity prepare for, navigate through, and prosper in, the 21st Century
/ Vision
The Intersticia Foundation helps to create Twenty First Century Stewards
Authenticity, integrity, persistence, courage and grace. We look for these in our Fellows, the partners we choose, and any projects we support
Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step

Martin Luther King
The true sign of intelligence isn’t knowledge but imagination”

Albert Einstein
/ What We Do
Examples of things we support
/ 1
Initiatives which focus on supporting individuals who then give back to their communities in the broadest sense
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Opportunities which enable us to identify and partner with other organisations who have similar values and philosophies
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Projects which others may not initially see the benefit in supporting, but where we can see the importance of imagination to create new and innovative outcomes which will have a benefit for Humankind